Monday, September 10, 2007

Floris podeaua...

O idee cu adevarat interesanta: podeaua care se transforma in mobilier. Pentru ca tarziu si mi-e lene sa scriu o sa comitem un copy&paste de pe Asadar: "Floris is a modular system of wooden tiles in several heights, which you can use to create your own floor or carpet. A floor that becomes an island in a bigger space, and making it more intimid. All tiles are 40*40cm, and have a height of 5, 25 or 45cm.
These differences in height give them different functions, like a floor, a place to sit on or a table. The tiles are made of MDF and cardboard sandwichpanels, finished whit 3mm oiled walnut veneer. Because of the sandwichpanels the weight of a 5cm thick tile, is reduced to just 3 kilo´s. Inox crosses will keep the tiles in place. Glued underneath each tiles is a polyethylene foam, to reduce sound and to avoid an uneven carpet.
Designer: Klaartje Daamen" (klaartjedaamen(at)

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