Friday, November 30, 2007

Olavi Koponen, Villa Långbo, Finlanda

The basis for the solutions have been the following:
1. The aspiration of the limitation of man´s presence in the eternal nature. Man- an alien -marks territory for himself, builds a roof over his head, a place in the wild nature. This is where the Finns have always sought for himself and his gods.
2. The thought of dissolving the boundary of nature and a building, nature and man, has been reached by the graininess of construction ond openness of the solution.
3. The utilisation of space has been extensively differentiated: it has been divided into private and commen rooms. In addition the rooms are separate buiding units on a common basic level and under a joint roof.
4. Each room has been given a clear identity in regard to light, feeling and relation to nature.
5. The structure is simple. The building has many rhythms and they are unrestricted. The basic sturctural idea enables construction work under the shelter of the roof from the beginning.

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