Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Splendori in iarba

O oaie din/in iarba.

Un obiect de iluminat din iarba

Un tablou de iarba care traieste: prima secventa este tabloul abia plantat. In secventa a doua tabloul are un an. In secventa cu numarul trei tabloul a implinit deja un an si jumatate iar in secventa cu numarul patru tabloul se transforma in natura moarta (iarba s-a transformat in paie)
Despre Grassland:
grassland turns real dried grass into an element of the living room. Some of the objects are square, others round. The grass seeds grow not on soil but on various materials-using water and light only- and are dried subsequently. What is special about them is that the grass changes from lush green to straw-colour. Observing the transformation of the object over time thus becomes a unique experience.
grassland is the result of many years of experimentation to grow grass and to let it dry under controlled conditions. The special appeal of the objects is to make visible the concept of change and the transitory nature of things, turning them into real “memento mori”. To experience every moment of change makes these objects fascinating and vests them with a life of their own in the living room.
grassland is a label of Bernd Oette, a Cologne based designer

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