Thursday, December 6, 2007

Jørn Utzon

Biserica Bagsværd din Bagsværd, Danemarca. Locasul este creatia arhitectului danez Jørn Utzon (acelasi care a creat si opera din Sydney). Utzon cred ca este un caz clasic (si tragic) de creator pus in umbra de una din opere sale...
Destinul sau tragic:
"Utzon was born in Copenhagen as the son of a naval engineer, and grew up in Denmark. In 1957 he unexpectedly won the competition for a new opera house in Sydney, Australia, despite the fact that it was his first non-domestic design and his entry did not meet the contest criteria because the designs he submitted were little better than preliminary drawings. Judge Eero Saarinen, who called it a Genius and declared he could not endorse any other choice. (In contrast, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe turned his back when introduced to Utzon, then 39.)"
"Although Utzon had spectacular plans for the interior of these halls, he was unable to realize this part of his design. In mid-1965 the state Liberal government of Robert Askin was elected and Utzon soon found himself in conflict with the new Minister of Works, Davis Hughes. Attempting to rein in the escalating cost of the project, Hughes began questioning Utzon's designs, schedules and cost estimates, and he eventually stopped the payments to Utzon, who was forced to resign as chief architect in February 1966. He secretly left the country days later, never to return."
"In an article in Harvard Design Magazine in 2005 [1], professor Bent Flyvbjerg argues that Utzon fell victim to a politically lowballed construction budget, which eventually resulted in a cost overrun of 1,400 percent. The overrun and the scandal it created kept Utzon from building more masterpieces."
"The Sydney Opera House was finally completed, and opened in 1973 by Queen Elizabeth II, and is one of the world's most recognizable buildings. The Sydney Opera House was finally completed, and opened in 1973 by Queen Elizabeth II, and is one of the world's most recognizable buildings"
sursa: Wikipedia

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